
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatuulahi Wabarakaathuhu.

All praise be to the sustainer of the worlds Allah Jalla Jalaluhu, and grace, honour and salutations on the Chief of apostles and Seal of Prophets Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam, his family, companions and those who followed him in an excellent fashion and invited mankind towards Allah, till the day of Resurrection.

This is to thank Allah subhanahuwa ta-ala for giving me an oppurtuniy to enlighten the truth of thabligh Jamaath on the web. Giving me such knowledge, resources and time to clarify the truth and fact what every Muslim or Non Muslim should know.
I have taken extra care in submitting 100% authentic references from Quran and Hadeeth.

Abd Allah
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Face Book : Thabligh Jamaath