Where is the Muslim Ummah Standing Today?

All praise is for ALLAH, the Lord of the worlds, Muhammad (Saws) the last of the Prophets, on his household and his Companions (RA) all of them, and on all who follow them with goodness, till the Day of Judgment.

 Respected President, Dr. Zafar Ishaq Ansari and the honourable audience. It is an occasion of pleasure and good luck for me that I am getting an opportunity as a student to participate in an assembly of thinkers held under the auspices of a great Research Institute of the country. Exalted ALAH has provided me here the good fortune of speaking on a subject which is very important for our present and future. As regards the good opinions which my respected brother. Dr. Zafar Ansari has expressed about me he has done so by way of his affection and his favourable opinions about me. For all this I can only pray to Exalted Allah to grant me the requisite ability to come up to his expectations, Aameen!

Two conflicting sides of the Muslim Ummah
As you are aware, the subject of today's talk is: "Where is the Muslim Ummah standing today?" This is a multi-sided subject. Where is the Muslim Ummah standing in the political field, economic field and the moral field? Thus, this question may assume different forms according to these various fields of application. Every field demands a detailed study and discussion and it is difficult to cover every field in one sitting. I, therefore, want to tackle presently in brief only one field of this question. This relates to the question: Where is the Muslim Ummah standing in the field relating to the domain of thought and thinking? Today when we are reviewing the present state of affairs of the Muslim Ummah, we come across two conflicting trends of thoughts. One trend is that, the Muslim Ummah has fallen a victim to downfall and deterioration and two, this very environment are talking with great force and favour about the birth of an Islamic awakening.

The first trend relates to a depression and deterioration of the Ummah, whereas the second trend relates to its possible renaissance and revival in the near future. When the first trend breeds dejection and despondency in our hearts the second trend sometimes creates in us undue hopes and complacency.

The "Truth" lies between the two extremes
I beg leave to assert that the Truth lies between these two extremes. There is no denying that as we as an Ummah have fallen a victim to downfall and deterioration and it is also observed that at the same time, a current of resurgence is spurring the Ummah onwards to action and revival. Even so, we should neither succumb to hopelessness and dejection nor should we be impressed by the topic of an under-current of reform and progress, so highly as to become neglectful of the need of putting in our best endeavours in the path of development and progress. The Truth lies between these two extremes. The subject of this address: "Where is the Muslim Ummah standing today?" is, therefore very important. As a necessary corollary raises other question, viz. What is the destination of this Ummah? and How does it plan to reach that destination? While on this topic, I am taking the middle course of the two extremes. I feel encouraged to say that a welcome feeling is perceptible in almost every area and sector of the Ummah that we have to return to our origin; and as Muslims it is our duty to spread the light of Islam throughout the world. This is what is called (Arabic(
الصحوة الاسلامية) It is reassuring that this feeling has spring up, despite the painful realization that the Ummah has been dwindling into a gradual process of downfall and dejection.

An example of deviation from Islam
It is also a token of Allah's Omnipotence that one may get an idea of the deviation of the Ummah from Islam by looking at the conduct and character of those who are holding today the rein of political affairs and below an incident to highlight this deviation from Islam which may seem to be incredible to others, but it happened with myself Once

I happened to visit an Islamic country along with a delegation. The delegation decided to present to the President of the country a gift of the Holy Qur'an. For this purpose it was necessary to obtain permission of the protocol for which an application was made. After the delay of one day we were informed that the proposed gift could not be presented to the President, as it could create a misunderstanding among the non-Muslim subjects of that country and therefore some other gift might be presented. This is an example of the apathy to Islam at official and political levels in countries called Islamic.

An example of Islamic awakening
In contrast to this sad experience there was another. The same day we visited a mosque to offer our prayer. We found that the mosque was full of young boys. They were more in number than the older men. After the prayer these boys sat in a corner of the mosque and began discussing something in their daily routine after prayers to read some religious book to one another and discuss religious issues. The people told us that this practice was followed in all the mosque in that country. This is in spite of the fact that there is no formal organisation or association to organise and conduct these sittings.

The overall state of the Islamic world
You can realize from the foretold observations how Islam is being treated at the political and official levels and how intimately the younger generations are seen attracted by and attached to Islam. By considering as a whole the affairs of the Islamic world we come to the conclusion that the attitude to Islam at the official or political levels is either inimical or at least that of indifference. These governmental and political agencies have no interest in Islam. As against this, a current of resurgence has sprung up among the general public particularly the younger generation. This movement has gained ground in different parts of the world with the aim of applying Islam to our lives and according to a practical implementation.

Sacrifices in the name of Islam
It is quite true untold sacrifices have been offered in the path of Islam. The lovers of Islam have sacrificed their lives and properties for the success of the various movements organised in many countries to apply Islam and its Shariah. We are indeed proud of these freedom fighters in countries like Egypt, Algeria etc. In our own country Pakistan; people have from time to time made great sacrifices of their lives and properties for the application of the Islamic Shariah in the land. These sacrifices are a cause of pride for the Muslim Ummah. All this goes to show that even today the spark of Eeman is present in the hearts.

By Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Karachchi, Pakistan.